Academic Preview Day: What it is and six reasons you need to attend one

You might be wondering: What exactly is an academic preview day? It sure does sound similar to an open house (a college event you may be familiar with), but an academic preview day goes so much deeper—think of it as your one-stop shop for all things academics.

You’ll have the chance to not only spend one-on-one time learning about the school’s facilities but also the programs housed within each school and what you can expect to do with your degree. Throughout the day you’ll attend tailored breakout sessions that will give you a detailed look at the programming, technology, and learning spaces you’ll experience as you move through your educational journey. Not only that, you will also meet with faculty, staff, and students who are eager to tell you about your program of interest.

What does all of that mean for you? A more complete and thorough understanding of what the college has to offer, so you can make the right choice come decision time.

Lees-McRae academics are housed within four major schools—the May School of Nursing and Health Sciences and the School of Business and Management will host Academic Preview Days on Saturday, Nov. 9, followed by the School of Arts, Humanities, and Education and the School of Natural and Behavioral Sciences on Saturday, Nov. 16

Without further ado, here are six more reasons why you should seriously consider attending an academic preview day.

1. You’ll be able to experience Lees-McRae first hand.

You’ve probably received some form of promotional material, explored our website, or scrolled through our Instagram trying to imagine what it might be like. Well, this is your chance to not only see campus and our programs in real life, but also picture yourself here while you explore. We celebrate our location not only for its beauty, but also for the educational opportunities it offers. Learn about the satellite classroom at Beech Mountain Resort for the Ski Industry Business and Instruction minor, or the on-campus May Wildlife Rehabilitation Center housed within the School of Natural and Behavioral Sciences.

2. You’ll spend time with current students who will tell you what it’s really like at Lees-McRae. 

Sure, you’ll be able to ask your future professors what a class may be like, but spending time with current students will give you a chance to ask them about what it is like day in, day out as a student. Ask them what it is like being a part of the Mock Emergency Simulation co-led by the May School of Nursing and Health Sciences, School of Natural and Behavioral Sciences, and the School of Arts, Humanities, and Education. You can also use the time to ask them what a typical work-load looks like and how much studying and preparation you might expect. This will give you a much more well-rounded idea of what being a student at Lees-McRae will look like for you.

3. While you’re at it, you’ll also be able to experience dining and student life.

In-between sessions and campus tours, you’ll have a chance to have a meal just as a current student would. Campus tours will also show you where other essential buildings, offices, and places to hang out, study, and relax are located.

4. You’ll make useful connections with admissions staff.

Both preview days feature optional opportunities to meet with members of the admissions and financial aid staff. Should you decide to apply, networking and creating these connections may help you throughout the admissions process.

5. Thinking about pursuing a sport? You’ll also get the chance to meet with athletics staff.

Similar to the admissions sessions mentioned above, both days feature time to meet and get to know athletics here at Lees-McRae.

6. It’s free!

We all love free, right? We know the college search and application process can incur fees, which is why we made Academic Preview Days zero cost to prospective students and their families. This way, you can focus on getting to know what we can offer you.

We think you will like what you see, but you don’t have to take our word for it.
Discover why our students call this place home and register for an Academic Preview Day

By Nina MastandreaNovember 06, 2019
FamiliesAcademicsCampus Life