ONE Lees-McRae

One Lees-McRae Logo

Lees-McRae is more than a college. We’re a community. Together, we lift the institution to its full potential and create an educational environment where students can thrive.  

ONE Lees-McRae is designed to deepen the bonds among all those who love the college. This initiative brings students, families, alumni, friends, and community members together with meaningful events and engagement opportunities and provides an avenue to connect more closely with the college.  

Below, find upcoming events as well as resources to help you get more involved.  

Together, we are ONE Lees-McRae.  

About ONE Lees-McRae

Whatever your connection to Lees-McRae, you’re part of the Bobcat family. For those who love the college and resonate with our mission, we are providing more ways than ever to get involved and support new generations of students.

Upcoming Events


    Triangle Chapter Kickoff

    Come together as ONE Lees-McRae on March 14 for the Triangle Chapter Kickoff. Join fellow Triangle alumni for drinks, food, and socializing from 6-8 p.m. at the home of Alumna and Trustee Julia McCombs ’75 in Fuquay Varina.


    Charlotte Chapter Kickoff

    Stay tuned for more event details!

    Triad Chapter Kickoff

    Stay tuned for more event details!

    Washington, D.C./Baltimore Chapter Kickoff

    Stay tuned for more event details!
Mountain Day of Service
March 28

Mountain Day of Service, originally scheduled for last October, has been rescheduled to March. This year, we are inviting our wider community to join students, faculty, and staff in participating in hurricane cleanup both on campus and in the area. Registration opens Wednesday, Feb. 12!


Giving Day
April 9

Save the Date! Our annual day of giving this year will focus on raising funds for scholarships. Many of our students experienced hardship due to Hurricane Helene, and your participation in Giving Day will help increase the amount of scholarship money the college will be able to provide.


Homecoming and Family Weekend
September 19–21

In honor of the college’s 125th anniversary, Homecoming and Family Weekend 2025 will bring together students, alumni, families, and friends to celebrate what it means to be ONE Lees-McRae. 


Tag us @leesmcraecollege and use the hashtag to show us your ONE Lees-McRae moments!