Health Services

Be well—healthy mind, body and spirit!

A registered nurse is available on campus daily Monday through Friday to assist you in treating illnesses and injuries.

Only over-the-counter non-prescription medications are dispensed from Health Services, located in the lower level of Virginia Hall. There is no charge for a visit. The nurse will assist in obtaining a doctor's appointment or hospitalization, if needed.

Any student self-administering injections (allergy, insulin, etc.) must come by the Health Services Office and pick up OSHA approved SHARPS boxes for safe syringe disposal.

Emergency Contact Information

Health Services

Carl Griewisch
Director of Health Services
Phone: 828.898.8862

Counseling Services

Marla Gentile
Director of Counseling
Phone: 828.898.3841

Facility Services On-Call Personnel

Cell Phone: 828.260.1938

Security Office

Office Phone: 828.898.8756
Radio: 828.898.8712
Pager: 828.733.8525
Cell Phone: 828.260.0505

Immunization Information

As of July 1, 1986, all students entering college in the State of North Carolina are required to be properly immunized. This means that each student must provide his/her immunization records to Lees-McRae before allowed to attend classes. Compliance is mandatory prior to the first day of classes.

Click here to complete the Student Health Form >>

Required of Students 17 Years of Age and Younger

  • 3 DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus) or Td (Tetanus, Diphtheria) doses; one Td booster within the last 10 years.
  • 3 Polio (oral) doses.
  • 2 Measles (Rubeola), 1 Mumps, 1 Rubella (2MMR doses meet this requirement)
  • Tuberculin Skin Test (PPD) and results within the 12 months preceding the beginning of classes (chest x-ray report required if test is positive)

Required of Students 18 Years of Age or Older and Born in 1957 or Later

  • 3 DPT or Td doses; one Td booster must have been within the past 10 years.
  • 2 Measles (Rubeola), 1 Mumps, 1 Rubella (2 MMR does meet this requirement).
  • Tuberculin Skin Test (PPD) and results within the 12 months preceding the beginning of classes (chest x-ray report required if test is positive)

Required of Students Born Prior to 1957

  • 3 DPT or Td doses; one Td booster must have been within the past 10 years.
  • 1 Rubella dose (MMR doses meet this requirement); not required if the student is 50 years of age or older.
  • Tuberculin Skin Test (PPD) and results within the 12 months preceding the beginning of classes (chest x-ray report required if test is positive).


  • History of measles (Rubeola) is acceptable if physician verifies that the student had the disease prior to January 1, 1994.
  • Blood titer tests are acceptable for Measles (Rubeola), Mumps, Rubella, and Hepatitis B. Laboratory test results must be submitted.
  • Students who entered college for the first time after July 1, 1994, must have two doses of Measles (Rubeola) vaccine after their first birthday. Two MMR doses meet this requirement.