May School of Nursing and Health Sciences celebrates annual White Coat Ceremony
On the evening of Friday, Sept. 13 in Evans Auditorium, students, faculty, family, and friends gathered to celebrate the annual White Coat Ceremony.
Intended for junior nursing students in their first year of professional education, the White Coat Ceremony is a rite of passage that often takes place during the first few weeks of the first semester.
The evening kicked off with an introduction and invocation by Director of the Pre-licensure Nursing Program Evelyn Brewer followed by the night’s guest speaker, Dean of Nursing and Health Sciences Kimberly Priode.
“This ceremony focuses on the compassion, values, and dignity of becoming a nurse,” Brewer said. “The mission of the Lees-McRae May School of Nursing and Health Sciences is striving to impart holistic care and excellence in nursing for our local, regional, and global communities. The focus is not just on disease management, but on healing systems. This ceremony is an opportunity for the students and our community to engage in a demonstration of that very dedication.”
Following Brewer, Priode then approached the front of the room for her speech.
“This ceremony represents the long hours these students give in preparation for the upper division healthcare programs such as nursing,” she began. “These young men and women are truly exceptional as they desire a profession that is not on an easy path. Nursing requires long, hard hours of study and practice…the white coat signifies these personal sacrifices.”
Together, Priode, Brewer, and Assistant Dean of Nursing and Health Sciences Teresa Darnall gathered on stage for the cloaking and pinning portion of the ceremony.
With all students successfully coated, pinned, and back to their seats, it was time to recite the nursing oath.
The oath reads:
As a Nurse dedicated to providing the highest quality care and services, I solemnly pledge that I will:
- Consider the welfare of humanity and relief of suffering my primary concerns;
- Act in a compassionate and trustworthy manner in all aspects of my care;
- Apply my knowledge, experience, and skills to the best of my ability to assure optimal outcomes for my patients;
- Exercise sound professional judgment while abiding by legal and ethical requirements;
- Accept the lifelong obligation to improve my professional knowledge and competence;
- Promote, advocate for, and strive to protect the health, safety, and rights of the patient.
With this pledge, I accept the duties and responsibilities that embody the nursing profession.
I take this oath voluntarily with the full realization of the responsibility with which I am entrusted by the public.
Following the ceremony in Evans Auditorium, students, faculty, family, and friends walked over to the May School of Nursing and Health Sciences building for light refreshments.