Six quick “to dos” before orientation

1. Get registered

Let us know to expect you! There are two orientation sessions to choose from—just select the one that is best for you and your family. Unable to make an orientation session? Contact your admissions counselor.

Orientation session I: Monday, June 24–Tuesday, June 25
Orientation session II: Friday, June 28–Saturday, June 29

2. Complete your placement assessment before June 14

In order to receive your Fall 2019 semester schedule during orientation, log in to the pre-orientation portal with your Lees-McRae email and complete your placement assessments before June 14. Remember that these assessments are simply intended to help you be placed correctly and are low stakes!

3. Upload documents to make your orientation even smoother

The pre-orientation portal includes an admission, international student, and student-athlete checklist, with necessary forms and documents to complete. Upload these forms before orientation to make your summer even smoother.

4. While you are at it, register for Fresh Tracks too

While all new Bobcats are required to participate in orientation, Fresh Tracks is an optional program that allows students to stay an extra day for an overnight backpacking trip or leadership retreat.

5. Set expectations with your family

Orientation is your time to imagine yourself as a student. Before you make the trip to Banner Elk, talk with your parents or family about expectations. Will you eat lunch together or with new friends? Will you call or text them during the overnight on campus? Who will be responsible for any paperwork?

6. Prepare to jump in

Orientation, much like your college experience, is what you make it! Think about the person you want to be in college and jump all in as you get to know peers, professors, and potential mentors!

We can’t wait to meet you! Learn more about orientation and your orientation leaders here

By Hannah FinkelsteinMay 24, 2019
FamiliesCampus Life