Student Complaint Procedure
If you have a complaint or problem, you are encouraged to follow this procedure:
- You should discuss complaints with the individual(s) within the appropriate office, department or program. Initial discussion should be with the person most knowledgeable of the issues involved, or with immediate decision-making responsibility.
- If you feel that the complaint has not been fully addressed, a written account should be submitted to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for academic issues and the Vice President for Student Affairs for non-academic issues. The written account should indicate your name, ID number, phone number, date of specific occurrence (where applicable) and Lees-McRae email address. The written account should indicate the names of the individuals consulted and the date (s) of the consultation. It should describe the situation and discuss the steps you have taken to remedy the situation. The Student Complaint Form, which will help ensure all necessary information is included, is available on the student resources section of the Lees-McRae website.
- The appropriate department or staff member will be notified of the complaint. A meeting with you and the Vice President for Academic Affairs or the Vice President for Student Affairs or their designee will be held within ten school days of the date of the written complaint.
The following policies have a separate waiver, appeal or complaint process. The complaint policy cannot be used in lieu of these established policies:
- Admission or Readmission Policies
- Code of Conduct Policies
- Discrimination or Harassment Policy (Title IX)
- Grade Appeal
- Off-Campus Housing Policy
- Parking/Traffic Policies
- Pet Policy
- Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy for Financial Aid
Complete a Student Complaint Form
If you were unable to resolve a complaint through the institution's grievance procedures, please submit a complaint to:
North Carolina Department of Justice
Consumer Protection Division
9001 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001
Phone number: 1-877-566-7226
An online complaint form is available at: