Special Education

A Special Education degree will provide you with the content knowledge and effective teaching skills to become a special educator for students with mild to moderate disabilities. Our Teacher Education Program has achieved the high standards required to maintain accreditation by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). Building on the liberal arts core curriculum, the program curriculum has a balance of philosophy, theory, and practice for effective teacher preparation.

Title II Report

What You'll Study

In the Special Education program, you'll study a variety of topics including educational philosophy, managing environments for diverse learners, classroom management, behaviors, educational psychology, foundations of American publich school education, children's literature, and more.

Beyond the Classroom

  • K-6 classroom observations (50 hours) to be completed during your first two semesters in our program.
  • K-6 classroom internship (150 hours) to be completed during your third semester in our program.
  • K-6 student teaching during your fourth and final semester in our program.
  • International travel and service opportunities are also available.

Popular Minors

After Graduation

Common Career Areas

Career information is provided through Vault and O'Net. Current Lees-McRae students can see the full results on Vault using their student email and password.

Meet the Faculty

Teresa Santis, PhD
Dean of Education and Social Sciences, Associate Professor of Teacher Education

Kimberly Simmons
Director for Teacher Education, Instructor of Teacher Education

Susan Dean, EdD 
Professor of Teacher Education

Nancy Gryder, EdS
Program Coordinator for Special Education, Co-Chair of Academic Assessment Team, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education

Melissa McCullough, EdD
Program Coordinator for Master of Arts in Teaching and Undergraduate Teacher Education, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education

Dorothy Ley
Clinical Supervisor for Teacher Education

Gwynne Shoaf
Assistant Professor of Teacher Education

Ready to take the next step?

We're glad to hear that! Our admissions office is ready to guide you through the process.