Tyler Hunter ’94 of Bobcat-Owned Business Hunter Insurance Services Inc. shares essential lessons from his time at Lees-McRae

Through Hunter Insurance Services Inc., Tyler Hunter ’94 seeks to provide his clients with options that fit their lifestyles. The success of his Bobcat-Owned Business relies on connecting with his clients, understanding their needs, and supplying them with the best possible service, a lesson he said he first learned while at Lees-McRae.

“Connecting with other students and professors during my time at Lees-McRae was excellent preparation for networking and interacting with people on a professional basis post-college,” Hunter said. “The biggest piece of advice I would give to current Bobcats is to be present. Put down your phones, look people in the eyes and have conversations. While texting is convenient, it is impersonal and discourages people from connecting on a personal level.”

Now, as the owner and primary insurance broker of his own insurance company in nearby Beech Mountain, Hunter has placed these principles at the core of how he runs his business. This philosophy is made clear on the “About” section of the Hunter Insurance Services Inc. website, which ensures potential clients that, “building personal relationships is a key part of our business.”

Hunter, who also serves on the Lees-McRae Alumni Board, points to lessons of networking, time management, and balancing responsibilities as other valuable skills he developed at Lees-McRae that are essential to his current career as a insurance broker and small business owner.

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By Maya JarrellJanuary 19, 2023