
Student Loan Management

At Lees-McRae we understand that student loans can be intimidating. That’s why we have partnered with Inceptia, a division of the National Student Loan Program, to provide you with free assistance on your student loan obligations. This will ensure that you feel comfortable and can be successful in your loan repayment.

Inceptia may be calling to help you with next steps in your repayment journey. Their friendly counselors are there to help you every step of the way. While you are in your grace period, they might reach out to you to answer questions you may have on your repayment options. If you become delinquent on your loans, they may also contact you to help find a solution that works within your means.

The Inceptia counselors are there to help you with every step by staying in touch with you via phone calls, letters, and/or emails. They will not be collecting money from you. Inceptia’s nonprofit purpose is to help you find answers to your questions and solutions to your issues. We encourage you to visit Inceptia’s Student Loan Knowledge HQ website at

Financial Literacy

Helping students build successful futures goes beyond the traditional classroom. By offering Financial Avenue to our students, we are giving them the knowledge and financial wisdom to launch bright futures—while avoiding the trials of delinquency and default.

Financial Avenue is an online financial education program that will provide users with knowledge and tools to become more financially capable.

Getting Started
Get started by setting up your private account at Once there, just click the “Login” link at the top of the page, click to sign up as a student and then provide your access code shown below. To create your account, you’ll need your school specific email address and a password of your choosing.

ACCESS CODE: bobcats

Returning Users
Using your email address and password, you can return to your Financial Avenue account any time to review or finish courses, access tools and tips, and track your progress.

Follow the #Knowl
Also, the Knowl would appreciate it if you followed him @MoneyKnowl and #Knowl. He’ll be sure to make it worth your while by sharing tips, resources and strategies to help you become a Money Mastery Ninja.

Questions or Support Issues
Inceptia Customer Service
888.454.4668 | 

